Payment Method

Check / Money order

Check Payments is a payment gateway that doesn’t require payment to be made online. Orders using Check Payments are set On Hold until payment clears outside of WooCommerce. You, as the store owner, should confirm that cheques have cleared before processing orders in WooCommerce. It’s important to verify that you are paid before shipping an order and marking it Complete.

  • Enable/Disable – Enable to use. Disable to turn off.
  • Title – Choose the title shown to customers during checkout
  • Description –Add info shown to customers if they choose Check

Saved Payment Methods

For any payment gateway that supports saved methods, these methods can be managed from the account to set a default or delete saved methods. However, these gateways support enhanced saved methods, which have a few extra features. First, the items can use nicknames (such as “Personal” or “Business”), making it easy for your customers to identify the item at checkout. The nickname can be added by clicking the “edit” action for the method.

  • Enhanced saved payment methods
  • Add new methods in My Account
  • Saved methods with Subscriptions

Cash on Delivery

Cash on Delivery (COD) is a payment gateway that required no payment be made online. Orders using Cash on Delivery are set to Processing until payment is made upon delivery of the order by you or your shipping method. You, as the store owner, need to confirm payment was collected before marking orders Complete in WooCommerce.

  • Enable COD – Enable to use. Disable to turn off.
  • Description –Add info shown to customers if they choose Cash on Delivery
  • Instructions – Explain how to pay via Cash on Delivery


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